RD Report 8/08/15

I facilitated a workshop on “How Can We Increase Area Service Participation” and. “Increasing Awareness of World Service Issues” before the North Coastal ASC on 7/25/15. The workshop seemed to go well and was well attended.This month we have a workshop scheduled before the North County Inland ASC on “Consensus Based Decision Making”. I​am looking forward to this workshop and would encourage anyone interested in learning more about CBDM to attend.


The final batch of review material for the Traditions Project is now available. This packet contains drafts of the Tradition Eleven and Twelve, as well as a closing section called “All Will Be Well.” As a reminder, chapters for Tradition Seven through Ten are still out for review. All current review materials are online at w​ww.na.org/traditions.​

The deadline for input on Traditions Seven through Ten is 31 August. The deadline for input on Traditions Eleven, Tradition Twelve, and the conclusion is 30 September. You are encouraged to send your input in as early as possible—there’s no need to hold your input until you’ve read the entire batch; a chapter at a time (or even a section at a time) is actually preferable. The sooner they receive your input, the more time they will have to incorporate your ideas into the revisions. An approval form will be published in November 2015 as an addendum to the C​onference Agenda Report (C​AR)​.


We will be doing Planning our Future workshops in November; this is the discussion regarding the future of our WSC and world services; what it will look like as far as seating and overall operation. It is important that we try to get as much information regarding these discussions to as many members as possible in order to avoid past difficulties like the one we had with the SSP where many members said they never heard of it even though it had been being discussed for many years. I will do my best and hope the RCMs will so the same.

I have submitted our 2 regional motions for the CAR as previously reported. The motions are as follows:


That all face to face World Board meetings be open to any NA member on a space available basis; unless the topic(s) being discussed are required by law to be confidential.

To return the WB to the common practice that all other NA boards and committees follow.

All service boards and committees in NA have always followed this practice, including world service boards and committees until the WB decided to close their meetings to WB members and staff only in the last few years.

We feel it is important that our WB reflect the common practice of the other service boards and committees in NA; not doing so sets them apart which some members view as thinking one is different or better than; not in the spirit of anonymity and in our opinion creates unnecessary mistrust of the WB.

We understand that the WB is a corporate board but feel that it is an NA service board first and then a corporate board when required to be by law, no different than any of our other service boards and committees.

We appreciate the experience of our WB members and believe it would be beneficial to any member who gets the chance to sit in on one of their meetings.


That the WSC Particpants Discussion Board on NA.org be made accessable for viewing only by non WSC participants.

INTENT: To allow any interested member to see what our WSC participants are discussing regarding fellowship and world service issues.

Our region feels this is another way for our members to get more information and different views on issues facing our world services and fellowship.

We feel that the mistrust this discussion board being closed creates with some of our members is totally unnecessary and opening it up to viewing by the membership will alleviate those concerns.

In service,
Dave T. RD (858) 380­9345 Don S. RDA (619) 792­8542